又香又辣的早餐 | 亚庇 | 沙巴 | 马来西亚

A bowl of Spicy Laksa Noodle Soup, a local favorite, it's spicy, creamy, and aromatic, it will give you a good sweat after, feel surpricingly good in the hot temparature. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

又香又辣的早餐 | 亚庇 | 沙巴 | 马来西亚


在这里,开门式的餐馆是大家吃早饭,午饭,晚饭的地方。不管你信不信,图中红油油的辣面,是这里很普遍的早餐,是滴,我们喜欢重口味的早餐~  每家这种餐馆里面都会有很多小摊,我们吃的这个小摊专做鱼面。

A Menu tape to the window of the seafood food stand in the restaurant. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


A local Noodle stand inside a restaurant, their spcialty are local favorite noodle soup flavor such as the laksa and tomyam. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, most restaurant rent out spaces for individual vendor, as a result, each restaurant will have at least 3-5 business running at the same time serving different type of food.

This kitchen might look like nothing much, but it can put out bowls and bowls of noodle soup all day, the owner of the vendor can make enough to support the whole family.


All the ingrediants you need to make a good bowl of Seafood noodle soup, from the mild but aromatic fish broth flavor to the tongue burning hot and spicy flovor.


The two main favorite items in a good bowl of Seafood Noodle Soup

最好卖的两个部位分别是鱼头和鱼饼,希望你能把它们分辨开来 。。。

A bowl of Spicy Laksa Noodle Soup, a local favorite, it's spicy, creamy, and aromatic, it will give you a good sweat after, feel surpricingly good in the hot temparature. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

A bowl of Spicy Laksa Noodle Soup, a local favorite, it's spicy, creamy, and aromatic, it will give you a good sweat after, feel surpricingly good in the hot temparature. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Kit Zai Bing (桔子冰) - Key Lime Ice Drink is a very popular local drink in Kota Kinabalu, made with local variety of Key Lime, Salted Plum and sugar. The local believe this drink can reduce heat in a person's body. It is a local favorite. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

在大热天里吃香喝辣,冷饮当然是不可少的,我叫了一杯当地独有的桔子冰,用当地盛产的桔子,话梅加糖冲泡而成,一杯下去,感觉好不清新凉爽呀~ 当地人相信桔子冰能去除人身体里的热毒,所以这个冷饮在当地相当受欢迎。

Kit Zai Bing (桔子冰) - Key Lime Ice Drink is a very popular local drink in Kota Kinabalu, made with local variety of Key Lime, Salted Plum and sugar. The local believe this drink can reduce heat in a person's body. It is a local favorite. Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.


